I think it would be too early to wish Mr. Jinnah right now, so I would just write a small note.
Mr. Jinnah is one of my favourite personalities. Beyond any doubt, he was a man of substance. The movie on Jinnah was not that bad, but people in our country have no respect even for the founder of Pakistan. They didn’t even go to the cinema to watch it. I think Mohammad Ali Jinnah is the best thing that happened to Pakistan & in all these years, nothing has happened. I really like what he said:
“Think 100 times before you take a decision, But once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man.”
The key word is of course man, because taking a decision & standing for something…these things come much later.
And no one could have put it more aptly than his own daughter: ‘No Jinnah, no Pakistan.’
But we are such a selfish nation, we don’t even ponder on it.
Lord Pethick Lawrence, the former Secretary of State for India, very rightly said, "Gandhi died by the hands of an assassin; Jinnah died by his devotion to Pakistan".
When I read about the War of Independence for the 1st time, it dawned on me that we shouldn’t take freedom for granted. People were suffering very badly at that time & even at the time of partition, countless people sacrificed their lives, left their country…we cannot just ignore all of it.